Rare mutation may counteract “Alzheimer’s gene”
A rare mutation suggests that using CRISPR to reduce the expression of the APOE-e4 gene could help treat or prevent Alzheimer’s.
New CRISPR tool has an “on/off” switch
By splitting a base editor into two parts, researchers could give it an “on/off” switch that appears to make it safer and more effective.
CRISPR is helping “de-extinct” the Tasmanian tiger
"De-extinction” researchers believe they might be able resurrect the Tasmanian tiger and restore ecological balance in Australia.
Gene-edited pig heart gives a dying man a second chance at life (Updated)
For the second time ever, a gene-edited pig heart has been transplanted into a person with terminal heart disease.
At least 5 people have been cured of HIV. Is the AIDS pandemic ending?
A handful of people have already been functionally cured of HIV — and new, universal cures are just on the horizon.
Two CRISPR treatments for Alzheimer’s ace early studies
Two teams of researchers have used CRISPR to alter the genes of mice to alleviate signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
Startup aims to transplant pig hearts into kids in 2024
eGenesis hopes to transplant pig hearts from genetically engineered swine into young children with serious heart defects by 2024.
First CRISPR-like system discovered in animals
A CRISPR-like gene-editing system found in animals and other complex organisms has been used to edit human cells for the first time.
CRISPR’d plant is resistant to the “cancer of rice”
CRISPR’d plants resistant to the devastating fungal disease rice blast could help shore up the world’s food supply.
CRISPR tool slashes bad cholesterol by 56% in monkeys
Tune Therapeutics has successfully lowered the cholesterol levels of monkeys using a version of CRISPR that doesn’t permanently alter DNA.