Outer Space
Google’s quantum computer suggests that wormholes are real
Until recently, wormholes were considered a mathematical curiosity, but Google's quantum computer suggests that wormholes might be real.
Scientists rule out a popular alternative theory to dark matter
A passionate minority deny the existence of dark matter and embrace MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) to explain the observations.
“Singularities don’t exist,” claims black hole pioneer Roy Kerr
Using a powerful mathematical argument, black hole expert Roy Kerr argues that singularities shouldn't physically exist. He may be right.
Is the Universe infinite?
The limits to which we can observe the Universe are set by three things: the rate of expansion, the time since the Big Bang, and the speed of light.
Explore JWST’s deepest views ever for yourself
If you want to observe the Universe more deeply than ever before, simply point your high-powered observatory at the same region of sky.
The 2023 annular eclipse will have huge consequences 6 months later
Only twice a year are the conditions right for the Sun, Earth, and Moon to align in space: creating conditions for either solar or lunar eclipses.
There’s an entire solar system hiding inside Sweden
The Avicii Arena in Stockholm is the world’s largest spherical building and the center of the world’s largest scale model of our solar system.
Chandrayaan-3’s measurements of sulfur open the doors for lunar science and exploration
Data from Chandrayaan-3’s rover showed the lunar soil contained the expected metal elements, but also an unexpected surprise – sulfur.
Why astronomers are excited about carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of an alien world
Scientists reported chemical traces in the atmosphere of planet K2-18b, including a substance which on Earth is only produced by living things.
Spending time in space can harm the human body − but scientists are working to mitigate these risks before we go to Mars
With NASA planning more missions to space in the future, scientists are studying how to mitigate health hazards that come with space flight.